Do you dream of improving your physical shape, making the contours smoother and losing the kilograms stuck to your waist and buttocks? Or are you just taking care of yourself and trying to maintain your ideal weight by regularly giving yourself solid exercise to burn calories? Today, for this, it is not necessary to visit a gym or a fitness club, buy a subscription and negotiate with a trainer to conduct individual classes. To save time and effort, it is enough to choose the right weight loss simulators, order them online, and install them at home. And motivation – the desire for ideal weight and a taut figure – you will already have! Such a simulator can be different in design, weight and overall dimensions, as well as in the type of load and the type of muscles being worked out. The most popular include an exercise bike and a treadmill. If the first model is large enough and requires free space in the room, then the second is relatively compact. They are considered the best because even 20-30 minutes of daily training can burn about 300-500 calories, depending on the intensity of movements. In addition, pedaling or running provides an ideal study of a large muscle group, burns subcutaneous fat and strengthens the legs. And also tighten the abdominal muscles, and improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It is an ideal choice for people with a sedentary job and a sedentary lifestyle.
The best treadmills for weight loss
Examples of the best treadmills for weight loss, their pros and cons
We present the best examples of modern treadmills that are suitable for home and fitness club equipment:
- RunShape – stylish and easy to use treadmill that meets modern standards. Its main plus is the presence of a multivisor and an interactive panel that displays useful information: running speed, total mileage, load mode, pulse rate of a running person. You can practice on it at any time of the day, because there is a LED backlight of the tape. It is very easy to lock it with an electronic key so that your children or pets do not get hurt.
- BodyShape Zero Gravity – this is not an ordinary treadmill, in the usual sense for us. This is a multifunctional anti-gravity simulator, constant training on which allows you to improve not only your physical shape, but also the condition of your skin. It turns out a double effect, both from visiting the gym and beauty salon. Which means in practice saving your time, effort and money. On such a treadmill, you can do walking, running, and also use it for vacuum massage sessions. Infrared heating will replace a visit to the sauna. You will be able to effectively work on problem areas by increasing the number of calories burned, get rid of subcutaneous fat and achieve better results in a short time.
The best exercise bikes for weight loss
If you want to lead an active lifestyle and lose weight, but you are sorely lacking time for this, the best way is to get an exercise bike and exercise regularly on it. This is a compact stationary device, arranged on the principle of a bicycle. You will have to put in some effort and engage certain muscle groups in order to pedal at the right pace. The difference lies in the fact that you will stay in one place, and you can monitor the distance traveled and calories burned on a special display. Modern exercise bikes are equipped with many additional features that provide maximum comfort to athletes. Training helps:
- Increase the overall endurance of the body.
- Strengthen the muscular corset, heart and lungs.
- Pump the muscles of the legs.
- Improve the condition of the circulatory system.
Exercise bikes are connected to a standard 220 volt power supply, and are characterized by economical energy consumption. Most of them are equipped with a compact display from which you can easily read all important indicators. When choosing an exercise bike, pay attention not only to its design features and the shape of the saddle, but also to the maximum load capacity. The price depends on the type and number of useful options. Multifunctional models of simulators with an extensive menu will cost more than standard exercise bikes. However, it is much cheaper than purchasing an exercise bike, massage table, IR camera, etc. separately. Therefore, draw the right conclusions, and select branded simulators from a trusted manufacturer, where you will be provided with individual advice and a quality guarantee!
Examples of the best exercise bikes for weight loss, their advantages and disadvantages 
Here is a brief overview of the latest generation of best exercise bikes:
- InfraShape Horizontal – combines the advantages of a classic exercise bike for weight correction and muscle pumping, as well as a vacuum massager. In addition to this, you can use it to conduct aromatherapy sessions aimed at general relaxation and stress relief. As a result, you can not only get rid of extra pounds, but also tidy up your skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite, and maintaining high elasticity of the skin. If you are thinking about how to get rid of subcutaneous fat easily and without unpleasant consequences, this multifunctional device will be the best solution. It can replace a gym membership, a trip to a masseur, a spa and a beauty salon. Its special advantage is the minimum load on the spine and joints.
- InfraStar – an exercise bike with a vacuum effect, which replaces anti-cellulite massage sessions, and infrared heating. A simple and affordable way to get rid of cellulite and lose weight in record time. During training on such a device, several muscle groups are pumped simultaneously. It also improves the blood supply to the cells and the supply of oxygen to them. As a result, subcutaneous fat is evenly burned, calories are spent, and the skin becomes toned and elastic. Of the minuses, one can distinguish increased sweating, which is inevitable with an increase in temperature. However, such a minus later turns into a plus, since slags and toxins are removed from the liquid along with the liquid. This has a beneficial effect on well-being. An important advantage is that such an exercise bike can be used during the rehabilitation period for people with limited mobility.
- HidroBike – created for those who prefer unusual sports. It is noticeably different from the classic exercise bike, although it was created in its likeness. On such a device, you can give a load to the muscles by pedaling in a given rhythm, as well as do hydromassage sessions to relax after another workout. The benefit is obvious, and the 2-in-1 effect saves time and money. Unlike vacuum massage, exposure to water jets is less painful. But this is a great way to deal with excess weight and calories. A special plus is the presence of LED-lamps, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. The main advantage of such an exercise bike is ease of use and the quick achievement of an ideal result without much effort. As in treadmills, all indicators are displayed.
The best vibration platforms for weight loss
Strive to lose weight, but exercise bikes and treadmills do not suit you according to individual indications? We suggest not to despair, because a special simulator was created especially for such cases! Vibration platforms are a simple and convenient way to keep yourself in good shape and burn extra calories. You can train on them at any time, and getting used to them is very simple. The design of the vibration platform is very simple: a low base (the platform itself) and a front stand with a display (like a treadmill). Comfortable handles are located on both sides, which you can hold with both hands during the training process, providing yourself with stability. You won’t have to make any special efforts – the “smart” platform will help you set the optimal load on various muscle groups, and ensure uniform burning of subcutaneous fat. Among the best, it is worth noting the VibraShape vibration platform. This is a unique exercise machine that noticeably wins in comparison with steppers and balancing fitness platforms. Its special advantage lies in the fact that people with poor health, affected bones and joints (for example, with osteoporosis) can freely exercise on such a simulator. The process of burning fat occurs as a result of vibrations. If you combine it with infrared heating, the effect will increase. At the same time, the load on the heart and musculoskeletal system will be minimal, which allows the exerciser to be used freely by the elderly, including those suffering from arthritis. During heating, increased sweating may occur. At first glance, this is a minus, but later it turns into a plus. Together with sweat, slags and toxins are removed from the pores of the skin. Therefore, both general well-being and the condition of the skin are noticeably improved. The vibration platform can be used with equal success both as an effective fat burning trainer and as a means of rehabilitation. Regular training on it helps to improve physical fitness and reduce weight in a gentle mode, as well as strengthen the heart and vascular walls, increase overall endurance, improve coordination in space and pump various muscles of the body. The speed and intensity of vibrations can be adjusted by selecting the appropriate mode on the display. As a summary It is best to choose exercise equipment based on your level of fitness and health, as well as personal preferences. It will be very useful to consult a therapist or a professional trainer. In addition, think in advance where you can place the simulator, or free up space for it in a suitable room in advance. You can hang a large mirror nearby to watch yourself during a workout, a locker or a shelf for necessary accessories (for example, a bottle of water and towels). It is strongly not recommended to engage in any simulators at the stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as during the period of bearing a child and after surgery. People with vascular diseases of the legs (phlebitis, varicose veins, etc.) should be careful with the treadmill. In case of pain in the spine, you should not sit down at the exercise bike, and in case of joint diseases, change the vibration platform to another model of the simulator. Remember that burning fat and calories is gradual. To see the first results, you will need at least 3-4 weeks of regular training. The treadmill and exercise bike are classified as cardio machines. With a reasonable distribution of loads, they will help strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation and the state of the respiratory system, which will positively affect your well-being.