HYDROBIKE combines the benefits of water training with the effects of hydro massage in one fitness device. Exercise on Hydrobike lead to fast results in process of cellulite fighting.
Unique combination of 4 elements: water, bike, hydro massage and ozone
With no loading on the human joints, HydroBike could be used by person at any age. Result arrives regardless of the intensity exercises, even if used in relaxation mode. Exercise session improves blood circulation and lymph drainage, have the effect of affecting the adipose tissue. Ozone, which released during the treatment, has an effect similar to the skin microdermabrasion through the production of oxygen.

The tank made from entirely of fiber glass.Tight door with a unbreakable glass. The aqua bike is made with stainless steel and anodized aluminum, fully adjustable. Setting is easy. Informative touch screen display which fully controlled exercise. The pedals are made from stainless steel, suitable for use in water.